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Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

In lieu of water every day . The tortoise shoul

In lieu of water every day . The tortoise should be replaced to avoid the water every day from a variety of diseases that interfere with your tortoise .
Your tortoise should be fed three times a day whether it's a tortoise food that has been prepared or food in the form of vegetables or fruit .
Tortoise you can also catch a constipation , to avoid the possibility that you should use water warmer .
If your tortoise from no desire to eat should you replace food that you
Usaha normally use with other food breaks .

Animals Tortoise water is kind of animals are in the water more , though breathing with the nose, not like fish . Water turtles like to be in a dry and exposed to the morning sun.
The following tips Preserve doctor Animals in the turtle:

Place Preservation . Veterinarians recommend to place the best preservation of water tortoises are wild . However, you can also set up an aquarium with size . The form should not be high because the turtles do not need a lot of water , but a wide range of motion . Prepare a long aquarium that turtles can swim freely to and fro and make sure the size is not too small aquarium for his age. Set up was a foothold ( stone or wood ) in the aquarium so that the tortoise can dehydrate the body and prevent the growth of fungus in the body . One other important point , do not forget to clean the aquarium for at least three days. You can add a filter in the aquarium .

Food . For this type of tortoise Brazil , given Veterinarians can recommend specific turtle pellets with various brands available . You should adjust the age of a tortoise with food. Do not let the baby turtles starving because the food is too large and too difficult to digest . For relatively large tortoise , the pellets can be interspersed with live tombro fish or shr
Investasiimps . You can feed three days or once a week. However , if you feed every single day is not a problem . Make sure you do not put too much food because if left only to accelerate the water becomes dirty .

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