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Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

he availability of natural food in the pond

The availability of natural food in the pond depends on fertilization before nener stocked pond . With fertilization , many dissolved nutrient elements , in addition to the existing chemical composition on the basis of the land become better at providing elemenHosting Murahts nitrogen , phosphorus , potassium , magnesium , ferum , as well as other micro elements .
Ditambak there are several types of natural food which is very important in supporting the growth of milkfish . The type is klekap , moss , plankton and organisms basis ( benthos ) . However , rarely do all kinds can live and grow in a precise and time together . It depends on the circumstances kulaitas water and soil as well as water into the pond .7 . Controlling Pests and DiseasesPests not only lose milk production but also damage the ecological pond . According to Antoni and Wibowo (1996 ) pest classified into :- Pest predators , for example snapper , fish butt , heights fish , fish keeper , fish Sembilang , etc. .- Pests contender , for example mullets , tilapia fish , trisipan .- Pests destroyer , for example crabs and snakes .To membrantas wild fish like mullet , bronang , tilapia , and wild fish used or root tubes containing rotene jenu . Dose use of 4-6 kg of roots and each 1 ha pond . Meanwhile , for membrantas sifut ( especially trisipan ) using Brestan with a dose of 1 kg / haThe disease often attacks the fish is that the decay of the tail / fin . Vibriosis and streptoccosis . Drugs given to the fish disease is with antibiotics .
8 . Harvest and Post HarvestAfter ditambak maintained until the age of 5 months or according to demand . Harvesting milkfish can be done in several ways based on the nature of the banding that is always moving around the pond at night and attracted by the light and stimulate the movement of water .Treatment of milkfish harvested should be done early in the morning or the temperature is still low temperature around 50C so that banding of good quality . M
Domain Murahilkfish are harvested at high temperature is very sensitive to the loss of quality . Banding is not only consumed by people in the country , but also exported . Therefore, the quality of the milk to be exported is a very important factor .Posted by IkaZa Pratiwi at 00:12Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to FacebookBagikan to PinterestNo comments :

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